Yes, I am blind!

Many people don't believe that i'm blind. This frustrates me. I do not mind it if people ask me. I actually like it if people ask me once. I think it is better to ask and be sure, than it is to believe and maybe believing something incorrect. When I have told you that I'm blind that should be enough, but the thing is that many people do not believe me.

A reason for this may be that I do not do like "blind people" do in the movies. I look towards the person who speeks and I try to look towards their eyes. I started practicing this when I started losing my sight. I did this because I had seen movies that featured actors pretending to be blind and I thaught to myself that it must be tiering to speek with someone who stares directly into a wall or what is in front of them. It's not easy to alwats "look" in the right direction, but I try. 

Another thing that mau contribute to this false assumption of me seeing might be the way I move. I move very freely thanks to mu echo locating and bevause of Martial Arts. My hearing ability makes me able to listen and react to obstacles or movement even though I cant see it. This gives me the ability to avoid hitting obstacles in front of me without being told what's in front of me. I'm not always able to hear what happens. This is because I do not alwats pay attention. If it is noisy it is also difficult to use this ability. It's also vary difficult if I'm tired or exhausted.

Many people assume blind people do not enjoy movies, tv shows etc. This is not true. These things usualy have sounds and dialog. It is also possible to have someone visually interpreting what happens when the sound is not explaining enough. Not all blind people like these activities, but the same can be said for sighted people. Everyone isn't the same in regards to anything. I enjoy these activities and that may be a reason for people to believe I'm lying.

The last reason I can think of right noe is me holding the grade of second degree, black belt in ITF Taekwon-Do. Many people don't understand this to be possible without seeing. It's a few extra challenges when you are unable to use your eyes, but not impossible. I learn techniwues by having the instructor explaining as detailed as possible, and moving me in the correct directions. Self-defence and sparring I learn by again having the instructor explaining, and then showing it with me as the partner. After that I learn by doing and trying. A lot of what I do is based on trying and being corrected. 

I hope this helps people understand. As I said in the start of this text - I am blind. Please understand and respect this fact.


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