Losing is not losing!

When I teach Martial Arts to kids I like to ask them what is most important. They often give me the answer "winning". If they give me that answer I tell them, no. I tell them the two most important things is being friends with the other students and never giving up. 

I've lost many times in many different ways, but I do not view it asa big loss. The biggest loss to myself would be if I gave up. If I let myself stay down after something knobked me down. I try to always get up and keep moving on. When I move forward in my life I am happy. I often take long ways to get just a bit forward, but the journey is giving me so much. I am happy to learn. I learn a lot from my mistakes, and a lot from losing competitions or other endevours. 

It's not easy to continue is you feel like yjere is no hope. In my mind there is always hope. I like to say that if there is life there is hope. I might not be able to fly by myself, but thanks to the inventions of mankind, I can step into an airplane and take to the sky. I might not be able to see, but thanks to technology, family and friends I am able to do almost everything. 

If I would have given up I wouldn't be as happy as I am today. Today I have wonderful friends, a life filled with happiness, an assistant who helps me with things that require sight and I get several opportunities to meet people who want to try Martial Arts, whether they have a disability or not. I love the fact that I get to travel, meet people and do what I love - teaching Martial Arts and self-defence. If I would have given up I would not be able to say I hold the rank og second degree, black belt in ITF Taekwon-Do.

If you get knocked down by one of lifes many challenges, I recommend you try to get up. It's not easy, and at times it might be tempting to just lay down, but it will be worth getting up when you see you've reached the goal you set. You can take breaks along the way, but don't stop completely. You might at times need a helping hand to get up or to get further. There is no shame in that. A helping hand is just help. You still have to do what you are able to. Everyone needs help at times.

Let yourself reach your goals. Keep moving forward. I will do the same.


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