I am lucky!

I'm lucky to live in a part of the world where I can be myself. I can do the things I want to do. I can go to school, I can live how I want, I can be with the people I want, I can think what I want and say what I want. Norway is a country that helps the people who live here. Not always perfect, but better than many other countries.

Thanks to help from the gouvernment I got equipment so I could go to school, study and learb to love knowledge. I'm able to practice and work with Martial Arts, despite being blind. This is thanks to the system and wonderful people I'm lucky enough to get to meet. I'm so lucky with my work. I travel around Norway, doing one of the things I love - Martial Arts. I get to help make it easier for people with different disabilities to start and continue practicing Martial Arts. 

Traveling is one of my favourite things to do. Meeting people, experiencing new places, new smells and taste new food. I travel mostly in Norway, which is great. Norway has a lot to offer. Not only things to see, but also things for me who can't see. The feeling I get when I come to other parts of Norway and hear the different dialects is overwhelming. I love it! 

I have been in some other countries as well. I've visited Sweden and Denmark several times - both amazing countries. I love the food, the languages and the people. I have been a couple of times in England. This is a country I wish to experience more of, but not alone. It is a big country and I find it difficult and a bit scary, just thinking about going there by myself. Greece is another country I've been a few times. I love the sun, the smells and the food! This is a country I would never travel to by myself, bit I'd like to go back with people I trust. The furthest away I've ever been is Japan. I went there with a friend of mine. This was amazing. The smells, the food, the people, the language and everything we experienced! We even met an American. A man from California. He has become a close friend of mine. This was a unexpected delight from our trip.

In Norway I can live without the fear of war or constant violence. I can walk safely by myself. I can even get lost without having to fear for my life. I've walked several times and not paid attention. This has lead to me getting to places I don't know where are. Lubkily I can ask the people I find and they usually tell me where to go, to get back to where I'm used to walking. 

I can love who I want. In many countries this is not the instance. In Norway you can love people of the same gender, the opposite gender or just nor care about gender at all. This is a freedom I feel everyone should have. Sadly this is not the case, many places in the world. In Norway it is legal, and that is fantastic.


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